The Legenda de origine Ordinis (hereafter, Legenda) alludes to this verse when it tells how St. Peter Martyr, apostolic inquisitor at Florence in 1244, visited the First Fathers and reported that they"lived in complete peace and harmony": "in omni pace et concordia habitare" (Legenda, 51); "habitare fratres in unum" (Ps 133,1). The Latin text of the Legenda is published in Monumenta OSM, 1 (Brussels: SociétéBelge de Librairie, 1897). We quote the English translation published in Origins and Early Saints of the Order of Servants of Mary: Writings of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries (Chicago: Friar Servants of Mary, 1984), 1-65.

2   Writings occasioned by the anniversary of St. Peregrine's death: the Letter of the Prior General, Fr. Hubert M. Moons, Get Up and Walk (Rome: General Curia OSM, 1994); the biography by Aristide Serra, S. Pellegrino Laziosi da Forli: Storia, culto, attualità (Forlì, Italy: Edizioni Santuario di S. Pellegrino, 1995); the devotional booklet In lode di san Pellegrino Laziosi (Rome: Centro Edizioni <<Marianum >>, 1995).

3   See Constitutions of the Order Friar Servants of Mary (hereafter, Const. OSM), 254, in Rule of Saint Augustine and Constitutions of the Order of Friar Servants of Mary (Buena Park, California: Servite Provincialate, 1991).

4   Ibid., 1.

5   Sacred Congregation for Religious and for Secular Institutes, Life and Mission of Religious in the Church (12 August 1980), in Enchiridion Vaticanum, 7 (Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1982), 454.

6   John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Tertio Millenio Adveniente ... on Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000 (10 November 1994), 1, in Acta Apostolicae Sedis [= AAS] 87 (1995): 5-41; here, 5; English translation: Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City, 1994. Hereafter, Tertio millennio adveniente.

7   See ibid., 31 and 39.

8   Ibid., 20.

9   Ibid., 33.

10   See Ibid., 34.

11   Ibid., 43.

12   The Roman Missal: The Sacramentary, September 8: Birth of Mary, Prayer after Communion (Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1974); hereafter, Sacramentary. See also the reflection of John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Mother of the Redeemer on the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life of the Pilgrim Church, Mater Redemptoris (25 March 1987),3, in AAS 79 (1987): 361-433; here, 363; English translation: Boston: Pauline Books & Media, n. d. Hereafter, Redemptoris Mater.

13   See IX Synod of Bishops, The Consecrated Life and its Role in the Church and in the World: Instrumentum laboris (26 June 1994),65. English translation: Nairobi, Kenya: Pauline Publications Africa, 1994. Hereafter, Instrumentum laboris.

14   Sacred Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes, Essential Elements in the Church's Teaching asApplied to Institutes Dedicated to Works of the Apostolate (31 May 1983), 6. English translation: Boston: St. Paul Editions, n.d.

15   Ibid.

16   Instrumentum laboris, 65.

17   Vatican Council II, Decree on the Up-to-Date Renewal of Religious Life, Perfectae Caritatis (28 October 1965), 5. All documents of Vatican Council II are quoted according to the English translation in Austin Flannery, O.P., ed., Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1981). See Paul Vl, Apostolic Exhortation ... on the Renewal of the Religious Life according to the Teaching of the Second Vatican Council, Evangelica Testificatio (29 June 1971),4, in AAS 63 (1971): 499; and John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Redemptionis Donum to Men and Women Religious on their Consecration in the Light of the Mystery of Redemption, 7, in AAS 76 ( 1984): 522; hereafter, Redemptionis donum.

18   In each of the four prayers of solemn benediction or consecration there is an epiklesis in which the gift of the Spirit is explicitly called down on the professed . Ordo p ofessionis religiosae Ordinis Fratrum Servorum Beatae Mariae Virginis, pars I: 67 and 143; pars II: 72 and 159 (Rome: General Curia OSM, 1973). Hereafter, Ordo professionis.

19   Vatican Council II, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium (21 November 1964), 56; hereafter, Lumen gentium.

20   Pius IX, Apostolic Letter Ineffabilis Deus (8 December 1854), Introduction. English translation: Paterson, NJ: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1946.

21   John Paul II, Redemptionis donum, 17.

22   Chapter 5 of Lumen Gentium is entitled "The universal vocation to holiness in the Church."

23   See Sacred Congregation for Religious and for Secular Institutes and the Sacred Congregation for Bishops, Directives for the Mutual Relations between Bishops and Religious in the Church (14 May 1978), 4; English translation: Vatican City, 1978; and John Paul II, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici ... on the Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and the World (30 December 1988), 16, in AAS 81 (1989): 416; English translation: Vatican City, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, n.d.

24   Various figures from the Old Testament -Adam, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Elijah, Elisha - are mentioned in the Ordo professionis, both in the lectionary (pars I:; pars II: 98.99. l00.101) and in other parts of the rite (pars I: 67 and 143; pars II: 72 and 159).

25   The majority of exegetes see in Luke 1: 26-38 the literary form used in the Bible for the announcement of an astonishing birth. Some exegetes, including A.M. Serra ("L'annunciazione a Maria [Lc 1, 26-38]: un formulario di alleanza?," in Parole di vita 25 (1980) 163-209), perceive in the text structural elements characteristic of covenant narratives. Some, in particular K. Stock ("La vocazione di Maria: Lc 1, 26-38," in Marianum 45 (1983) 94- 126), see in the text a vocation story. This last view is especially useful for our reflection. For this whole question, see B. Prete, "Il genere letterario di Lc 1, 26-38," in Ricerche Storico Bibliche 4/2 (1992) 55-80.

26   John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 14.

27   John Paul II, Talk at the Angelus on 3 July 1983, in L'Osservatore Romano, weekly English edition, 11 July 1983, p. 5; and Redemptoris Mater, 27.

28   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 56-58.

29   See St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, III, q. 30, a. 1., ed. and trans. T.R. Heath (London: Blackfriars, 1969), vol. 51, p. 71.

30   See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 55; and Ambrose, Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam, II, 16, in Sancti Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis Opera (= SAEMO) 14/1, 47.

31   See James of Sarug, Homilia de beata Virgine Matre Dei Maria, in S. Alvarez Campos, Cortus marianum patristicum,5: 5087-5088 (Burgos: Ediciones Aldecoa, 1970), 16-17.

32   The famous antiphon Alma Redemptoris Mater (11th century) contains an excellent witness to this theology: "Virgo prius ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore / sumens illud Ave (= assenting to the angel's message, fiat), peccatorum miserere." St. Bernard (+ 1153) calls Mary's fiat "word of compassion" (verbum miserationis) on behalf of all people. See De laudibus Virginis Matris, Hom. IV, 8, in Opera omnia, 4 (Rome: Editiones Cistercenses, 1966), 53.

33   IX Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum laboris, 65.

34   Const. OSM, 6.

35   See Vigilia de Domina: A Marian Prayer Warch of the Servants of Mary (Chicago: Friar Servants of Mary, 1982), 44. Hereafter, Vigilia.

36   See Angelus Domini: Celebration of the Annunciation (Chicago: Friar Servants of Mary, 1986). Hereafter, Angelus.

37   Vatican Council II, Perfectae caritatis, 1.

38   A well known text of St. Augustine has been important in this renewal: "Didn't the Virgin Mary do the will of the Father ... ? Of course she did. Mary did the Father's will and for this reason it is more for her to have been the disciple of Christ than to have been the mother of Christ. There was greater happiness for her in being the disciple of Christ than in being the Mother of Christ," Sermo 25, 7, in Patrologia Latina (= PL) 46, 937.

39   In AAS 56 (1964): 1016.

40   Paul VI, Apostolic Exhortation Marialis cultus ... for the Right Ordering and Development of Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, (2 February 1974), 35, in AAS 66 (1974): 147. English translation: London: Catholic Truth Society, n.d. Hereafter, Marialis cultus.

41   John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Catechesi Tradendae ... on Catechesis in Our Time (16 October 1979), 73, in AAS 71 (1979): 1277-1340; here, 1339. English translation: Vatican City: Vatican Polyglot Press, 1979.

42   John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 20.

43   Congregation for Divine Worship, Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1: Sacramentary, formula 10 (New York: Catholic Publishing Company, 1992). Hereafter, Collection BVM.

44   John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 17.

45   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 58.

46   John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 17.

47   Ibid., 18.

48   In the second, alternate form of the seven dolor rosary Servites contemplate as the seventh sorrow of the Blessed Virgin "Jesus, Master and Lord, is Persecuted in His Disciples." Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows (Chicago: Friars Servants of Mary, 1986), 127-128.

49   Augustine, Sermon 215: At the Giving Back of the Creed, 4, in Sermons, 3/6, trans. Edmund Hill (New Rochelle, New York: New City Press, 1993), 162.

50   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 56.

51   Ibid., 46.

52   Ibid. This teaching of the Council reflects the experience of more than a few famous religious. St. Francis of Assisi (+ 1226), for example, wrote to St. Clare to express his last wishes: "I, little friar Francis, want to follow the life and the poverty of our exalted Lord Jesus Christ and of his most holy Mother,"Fonti Francescane, 140 (Padua: Edizioni Messaggero, 1980), 136.

53   Rituale della professione religiosa dei frati Servi di santa Maria, 211 (Rome: General Cuna OSM, 1993), 128. Hereafrer, Rituale professione OSM.

54   Ibid., 212, p.128.

55   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 42.

56  John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 37. See A. M. Serra, "Maria, <<...profondamente permeata dallo spirito dei "poveri di Jahvé">> (RM 37): Testimonianze biblico-giudaiche sul trinomio fedeltà alla Legge di Dio preghiera-liberazione," in Marianum 50 (1988): 193-289.

57   See Const. OSM, 57.

58   See ibid., 12.

59   The seven Florentine merchants who founded our Order in the thirteenth century were men with the ideal of the early Christian community. They were intent on being "of one heart and mind" (Acts 4:32; see Legenda 29 and 51). They gave themselves over completely to the Lord's precept: "This is my commandment: love one another as I love you"(Jn 15: 12). In the annals of Church history we see that the Seven Holy Founders constitute one of the groups that lived with greater fullness the ideal of evangelical fellowship.

60   As is known, the texts of the Acts of the Apostles (cf. 2:42 48 4:32-35) on the early Jerusalem community were the main source of inspiration for the monastic ideal of St. Augustine and became the basis of his Rule. Following the suggestion of St. Peter of Verona, the Seven Founders adopted the Rule of St. Augustine in the year 1245 (see Legenda, 53).

61   Const. OSM, 3.

62   IX Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum laboris, 62.

63   In this light we can understand how an insignificant fact such as the presentation of a child wrapped in swaddling clothes becomes a sign of salvific events (cf. Lk 2: 12). The Fathers, especially in the East, connect the swaddling clothes in which the newborn Jesus is wrapped and placed in the manger with the burial cloths in which the Lord's lifeless body was wrapped and placed in the tomb (cf. Lk 24:12). The swaddling clothes attest to the reality of the mystery of the Word 's Incarnation ; the burial clothes, to the mystery of the passion and resurrection of Christ the Savior. For patristic and medieval references, see A. Serra, "... e lo avvolse in fasce...>> (Lk 2,7b): Un <<segno>> da decodificare," in E c'era la Madre di Gesù...: Saggi di esegesi biblico-mariana (1978-1988) (Milan-Rome: Cens-Marianum, 1989), 225-284, especially 265-278.

64   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 61.

65   Ambrose, Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam II, 19, Sancti Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis Opera 14/1, 50; see Origen, Homiliae super Lucam evangelistam Vll, 2, in Patrologia Greca (= PG) 13, 1817.

66   John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio ... on the Permanent Validity of the Church's Missionary Mandate (7 December 1990), 21, in AAS 83 (1991): 268. English translation: Boston: St. Paul Books & Media, n.d.

67   Ibid., 28.

68   Const. OSM, 73.

69   Letter from the Prior General of the Friar Servants of Mary, Fr. Hubert Maria Moons, Sent to Serve: "Evangelizing Servants" (Rome: General Curia OSM, 1992). Hereafter, Sent to Serve.

70   Const. OSM, 74.

71   Ibid.

72   The doctrine of Mary's presence in the life of the Church, based on the dogma of the Communion of Saints and the pneumatic state of the glorified Virgin, has a significant place in contemporary mariological research. The theme is frequent in the magisterium of Paul VI and has become central in the encyclical of John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater. See B. Billet, "Un thème central de l'encyclique "Redemptoris Mater>>," in Esprit et vie (16 July 1987): 428-431; S. De Fiores, "La presenza di Maria nella vita della Chiesa alla luce dell'enciclica "Redemptoris Mater,"" in Marianum 51 (1989):110-144;B.Mondin,"La presenza di Marianel cammino di fede della Chiesa, popolo di Dio radicato in tutte la nazioni (RM nn. 25-28)," in Seminarium 38 (1987): 525-533; A. Pizzarelli, La presenza di Maria nella vita della Chiesa (Cinisello Balsamo [Milan]: Edizioni Paoline, 1990).

73   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 62.

74   Collection BVM, formula 30, Preface, 120.

75   John Paul II addressed all consecrated persons on the occasion of the Marian Year and said: "And since the Mother of God is constantly present in the life of the Church because of her part in the mystery of Christ, your vocation and your service are an echo of this presence of hers," Epistula apostolica Litterae encyclicae (22 May 1988), introduction, in Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, 12/2 (1988) (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1989), 1591.

76   Rituale professione OSM, 211, p. 127. The liturgical text is obviously dependent on Const. OSM, 1.

77   Vigilia de Domina, "To the Virgin of the Fiat," 44.

78   Const. OSM, 7.

79   Vatican II interprets Mary's request on behalf of the newlyweds at Cana in terms of mercy or compassion ("misericordia permota"). See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 58.

80   See Const. OSM, 52.

81  Vigilia, "To the Virgin at the foot of the Cross, " 46. See Const. OSM, 319.

82   See IX Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum laboris, 25.

83   See ibid., 23.

84   See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 43-44; IX Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum laboris, 67.

85   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 68.

86   See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 46; and above, note 17.

87   Regula sancti Leandri, introduction, in Santos Padres Espanoles, 2 (Madrid: La Editorial Catolica, 1971 [= Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 321]), 28.

88   St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, III, q. 28, a. 4, ad 2, ed. and trans. T.R. Heath (London: Blackfriars, 1969), vol. 51, p. 55.

89   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 46.

90   See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 56.

91   Ibid., 53.

92   Ibid., 62.

93   The Dominicans, for example, consider the Blessed Virgin "Ordinis nostri Mater," Liber Constitutionum et Ordinationum Ordinis Fratrum Praedicatorum iussu fr. Anicati Fernandez Magistri Ordinis editus (1969), 189/III.

94   Holy Virginity, trans. John McQuade, S.M., The Fachers of the Church: A New Translation, 6 (Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1969),149.

95   In Purificatione sanctae Mariae, 7, Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis (= CCCM) 27B, 992.

96   De Adsumptione sanctae Mariae, 5, CCCM 27B, 1030.

97   Oratio ad sanctam Mariam pro impetrando eius et Christi amore, 8, in H. Barré, Prières anciennes de l'Occident à la Mère du Sauveur (Paris Lethielleux, 1963), 305.

98   Ibid.

99   In Evangelium sancti Johannis commentariorum libri XIV, XIII, CCCM 9,744.

100  On the efficacy of the Virgin Mary's exemplarity in relation to her spiritual motherhood, see Paul Vl, Apostolic Exhortation Signum Magnum, in AAS 59 (1967): 465-474, especially part one.

101  The Constitutions of the Mercedarian friars, for example, state: "Eam [Mariam] ut 'Matrem nostrum' ... honorent, cum ipsa sit spiritualis Institutrix Ordinis, " Constitutiones et Normae Ordinis B.M. . de Mercede a Capitolo Generali Speciali exaratae (1979), 57.

102  Legenda, 7.

103  Ibid., 7-8.

104  The Life of Blessed Francis of Siena, 6, in Origins and Early Saints O.S.M., 91-108.

105  Ibid., 13, p. 99.

106  John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 45.

107  Const. OSM, 7; see ibid., 87.

108  Ibid., 7; see 87 and 136.

109  Ibid., 7.

110  Letter from the Prior General of the Friar Servants of Mary, Hubert Maria Moons, With Mary beside the Cross (Rome: General Curia OSM 1922), 17. Hereafter, Mary beside the Cross.

111  Const. OSM, 7.

112  See ibid., 149.

113  See ibid., 319; 208th General Chapter of the Order of Servants of Mary, Do Whatever He Tells You: Reflections and Proposals for Promoting Marian Devotion, 115 (Rome: General Curia OSM,1983),112; hereafter Do Whatever He Tells You; see also Mary beside the Cross, 15.

114  Const. OSM, 7.

115  Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 59.

116  For the theological foundations of Mary's regality there is abiding value in the encyclical of Pius XII, Ad caeli Reginam (11 October 1954), in AAS 46 (1954), 625-640. For post-conciliar discussions, see S. De Fiores, "Maria Regina: significato teologico attualizzato," in Maria presenza viva del Popolo di Dio (Rome: Edizioni Monfortane, 1980); D. Sartor, A. Serra, S. De Fiores, "Regina," in S. De Fiores and S. Meo, eds., Nuovo dizionario di mariologia (Cinisello Balsamo-Milan: Edizioni Paoline, 1985), 1189-1206.

117  For the Carmelite Order "reference to Mary, Queen and Mother of Carmel, is an intimate part of its spiritual life," J. Castellano Cervera, "El impacto de la doctrina mariana del Concilio Vaticano II en la familia del Carmelo Teresiano," in Marianum 45 (1983): 479.

118  See St. Louis De Monfort, True Devotion to Mary, 31-38, trans. F.W. Faber (Bay Shore, New York: Montfort Publications, 1954), 24-25.

119  This explains why the liturgy proposes Rv 21, 1-5a as the first reading for several Masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin. See Roman Missal: Lectionary for Mass, 613, 708 (Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1970), hereafter Lectionary for Mass; and Collection BVM, 2: Lectionary, 15,20,23,27,46.

120  Legenda, 18.

121  Ibid., 11.

122  "Blessed be our Fathers, whose hope was in the Lord and whose glory was in the service of Our Lady," February 17: Seven Holy Fathers of Our Order; Evening Prayer 1, Antiphon 2, The Liturgy of the Hours: Proper of the Order of Servants of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Chicago: Friar Servants of Mary, 1990). Hereafter, Liturgy OSM.

123  See above, footnote 23.

124  Vatican Council II, Dignitatis humanae, 14.

125  Paul VI, Encyclical Letter Populorum progressio (26 March 1967),13, in AAS 59 (1967): 263. English translation of the Vatican Polyglot Press, 1967.

126  Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 55.

127  See A. Serra, Sapienza e contemplazione di Maria secondo Luca 2, 19.51 b (Rome: Edizioni Marianum, 1982), 285-298 ("Maria, fonte di informazione per l'infanzia di Gesù?") and 309-337 for an anthology of texts.

128  See Bruno of Asti (+ 1123), Commentaria in Lucam, I, II, PL 165,355. In a private devotional text going back to the 14th century we find the invocations "Magistra evangelistarum" and "Doctrix apostolorum." See G.G. Meersseman, Der Hymnos Akathistos in Abendland, 2 (Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1960), 172.

129  Paul Vl, Signum magnum, 1.

130  John Paul II, Redemproris Mater, 17

131  See ibid.

132  Ambrose, De institutione virginis, 45, SAEMO 14/2, 144.

133  Ambrose, Expositio evangelii secundam Lucam, II, 22, SAEMO 9/1,164

134    Ambrose, De virginibus, II, 2,7, SAEMO 14/1, 168.

135  "Imitemur et nos, fratres mei, piam domini matrem ipsi quoque omnia verba et facta domini ac salvatoris nostri fixo in corde conservando," Bede the Venerable, Opera homiletica, I, 19 (Lk 2,42-45), Corpus Christianorum Series Latina (= CCL) 122, 139. With referencc to Lk 2:19.51 the liturg,v of the Order addresses the Virgin with the title Teacher: "Benigna, clemens, sapiens, / facta cum verbis conferens / Dei secreta penetras: / in te Magistram noscimus, " Liturgia Horarum: Proprium Officiorum Ordinis Fratrum Servorum Beatae Mariae Virginis, I (Rome: General Curia OSM, 1977), 251. Hereafter, Liturgia OSM.

136  See Vigilia, 44, "To the Virgin of the Fiat," and 46, "To the Virgin at the foot of the Cross."

137  Liturgia OSM, 1, 251. This hymn from Morning Prayer is not included in the English edition of Liturgy OSM.

138  Suppliche litaniche a santa Maria (Rome: General Curia OSM, 1988), 319

139  Gregory of Nyssa, De virginitate, XIX, PG 46, 317; Ambrose, De virginibus, II, 2. 17, SAEMO 14/1, 178; Jerome, Epistula XXII, 41, Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (= CSEL) 54, 209; Peter Chrysogonus, Sermo 146, 7, CCL 24 B, 905-906.

140  Carmen de virginitate, 25-26, PL 88, 267.

141  Regula sancti Leandri, in Santos Padres Espanoles, 2, 30.

142  The famous hymn Ave, maris stel1a, composed in a monastic setting in the ninth century, is based on the view of the Virgin as guide of believers in their journey toward the heavenly homeland. She prepares a safe journey (iter para tutum) there.

143  See Edith Stein, Essays on Woman, trans. F.M. Oben, Collected Works of Edith Stein, 2 (Washington: ICS Publications, 1987).

144  Const. OSM, 24.

145  Ibid.

146   Ibid., 319. The official Italian text speaks of Mary as conduttrice, with the root dux, guide. The English translation is model.

147   Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 43.

148   Ibid., 44.

149   Lumen gentium, 44, speaks of "form of life"; 46, of "kind of life."

150   De virginibus II, 2, 15, SAEMO 14/1, 176.

151  Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 65; see Paul VI, Marialis cultus, 65.

152  IX Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum laboris, 65.

153   Const. OSM, 1; see Rituale professione OSM, 211.

154  Const. OSM, 24.

155  Ibid., 24b; see ibid., 6.

156  Ibid., 6.

157  See ibid., 52.

158  See ibid., 7.

159  Ibid., 6.

160   Vigilia, 47.

161  Vatican Council II, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modem World, Gaudium et spes, 22.

162  In the celebration of the Eucharist we ask God to grant us a place in the Kingdom where the "freed from the corruption of sin and death, we shall sing your glory with every creature," Eucharistic Prayer IV, Intercessions, Sacramentary, 522

l63   Tommaso da Celano, Vita seconda di san Francesco d'Assisi, 198, in Fonte Francescane (Padua Edizioni Messaggero l988), 711

164  For some examples of the title "sister" applied to Mary, see F. Manns, "Le récit de la Dormition de Marie (Vat. grec. 1982): Contribution à l'étude des origines de l'exégèse chrétienne," in Marianum 50 (1988): 541-542.

165  See T.F. Ossanna, Maria "sorella nostra": Significato del titolo nel magistero di Paolo VI (Rome: Miscellanea Francescana, 1991).

166  In a talk (10 October 1963) commemorating the first anniversary of the opening of the Council: "Mary, make that this Church, which is his [Christ's] and yours, in defining itself, recognize you as its most elect mother, daughter and sister," AAS 55 (1963): 873. In a talk (24 November 1964) closing the third session of the Council: "Sicut et nos, et ipsa est Adae filia, ac propterea etiam nostra soror ob communem humanam naturam," ibid. 56 (1964): 1016. And in the talk (8 December 1965) closing the Council: "Is it not perhaps with the settling of our gaze on this humble Woman, our Sister, at the same time our heavenly Mother and Queen, that our spiritual conciliar ascension and this final greeting can conclude?" Ibid. 58 (1966): 8.

167   Sacramentary, Eucharistic Prayer 1, 507.

168   Vatican Council II, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, 103.

169  Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 53.

170  Ibid.

171  See N. Geagea, Maria madre e decoro del Carmelo: La pietà mariana dei Carmelitani durante i primi tre secoli della loro storia (Rome: Teresianum, 1988), 564-572

172  The community founded in Darmstadt on 30 March 1947 by Mother Basilea Schlink draws its inspiration from the image of Mary as sister. The name of the community is Evangelical Marian Sisterhood (Evangelische Marienschwesterschaft).

173   The Message to the Servite Family at the Conclusion of the Second International Meeting (4-10 July 1993) closes with a paragraph in which the Blessed Virgin is called "our sister": "Let us thank God for the journey which we have travelled these past years and let us look to Mary, our sister and companion in faith, our inspiration, our model and strength," UNIFAS, Accoglienza ispirata a Maria: Nuova sfida alla Famiglia Servitana (Rome: UNIFAS Secretariat, 1993),190-192.

174   Liturgy OSM, 324: September 15: Our Lady of Sorrows, Office of Readings, Antiphon 1B.

175   Proprium Missarum Ordinis Fratrum Servorum beatae Mariae Virginis, 1, Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Rome: General Curia OSM, 1972), 80.

176  Paul VI, Marialis cultus, introduction.

177   Scholars distinguish three categories of hymns in the pauline corpus: hymns addressed to God: Rom 11: 33-36; Eph 1:3-14; 2 Tim 1:8-10; Tt 3:4-7; hymns addressed to Christ: Phil 2:5-11; Col 1:15-20; Eph 1:20-23; 2:14-18; 2 Tim 2:11-13; and the hymn to love: 1 Cor 13:1-13.

178  See Rv 4:11; 5:9-10; 5:12; 5:13; 7:12; 15:3-4; 19:1-8.

179  "Divina eloquia cum legente crescunt," Homiliae in Hiezechielem prophetam I, VII, 8, CCL 142, 87. A similar expression: "Scriptura sacra ... aliquomodo cum legentibus crescit," Moralia in Iob XX, I, 1, CCL 143A, 1003.

180  Inadmissible, for example, are those spiritualist readings which see in the "powerful" of v. 52 the demons, the heretics or unbelieving Jews, or those political readings which interpret the overthrow of the "powerful from their thrones" in terms of violent revolution.

181  John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 20.

182  See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 63.

183   See ibid., 53.

184  See Vatican Council II, Sacrosanctum Concilium, 103.

185  Aphraates, Demonstratio 14, 33, in Alvarez Campos, Corpus marianum patristicum, 2, 1329.

186  Const. OSM, 24.

187  Rituale professione OSM, 211; see Const. OSM, 154.

188   Ambrose, Expositio evangelii secundum Lucam II, 26, SAEMO 14/1, 83-84.

189   See A. Muller, Ecclesia-Mana: Die Einheit Marias und der Kirche (Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1955).

190   For the theme of the Church that celebrates the divine mysteries with and like Mary, see Paul VI, Marialis cultus, 11; Collection BVM, General Introduction, 12-13.

191   Vigilia, 45, "To the Virgin of the Magnificat."

192  See J. Dupont, "Le Magnificat comme discours sur Dieu," in Nouvelle Revue Théologique 102 (1980): 321-343.

193  John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 37.

194   See G. Bruni, "Dire Dio agli uomini d'oggi: Linee di discussione," in P. Poupoard, ed., Parlare di Dio all'uomo postmodemo (Rome: Città Nuova Editrice, 1994), 32.

195  The Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, the Secretariat for Non-Christians, the Secretariat for Non-Believers, and the Pontifical Council for Culture, Sects or New Religious Movements: Pastoral Challenge, 1-2, in Sects and New Religious Movements: An Anthology of Texts from the Catholic Church 1986-1994, edited by the Working Group on New Religious Movements, Vatican City (Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 1995), 65.

196   Ibid., 3.

197  Ibid., 2, 2.

198   See John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 14; S. Muñoz Iglesias, "La fe de Maria y la fe de Abraham," in Marianum 50 (1988): 176-192.

199  The Sacramentary, the Profession of Faith. 200 See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 55.

200  See Vatican Council II, Lumen gentium, 55

201   See I. Goma Civit, El Magnificat: Cantico de la salvacion (Madrid: La Editoria Catolica, 1982) 45-50.

202   III General Conference of the Latin America Episcopate, Puebla: Evangelization in the Present and Future of Latin, 297, in J. Easgleston and P. Scharper, eds., Puebla and Beyond (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books 1979), 163.

203  See A. Bello, Maria donna dei nostri giorni (Cinisello Balsamo-Milan: Edizioni Paoline, 1993), 87-89.

204  Paul VI, Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete in Domino ... on Christian Joy, III, in AAS 67 (1975): 297; English translation of the Vatican Polyglot Press, n.d.

205   Irenaeus, Adversus haereses IV, 7,1, Sources Chrétiennes 100,456 and 458. In fact at this point in his text the bishop of Lyons attributes the canticle to Elizabeth, whereas earlier he had attributed it clearly to Mary: "Mary, rejoicing and prophesying proclaimed in the name of the Church, 'My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior,"' Adversus haereses III, 10, 2, Sources Chrétiennes 211, 118.

206  Is 61:10 is used rather frequently in Marian celebrations of the Roman liturgy. Examples in The Sacramentary: December 8: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Entrance Antiphon; Lectionary for Mass: Immaculate Heart of Mary (Saturday following the Second Sunday after Pentecost), First Reading; Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Reading 1; The Liturgy of the Hours, August 15: Assumption, Morning Prayer, Reading; Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Morning Prayer, Reading; Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, Morning Prayer, Reading.

207  Paul VI, Gaudete in Domino, IV

208  See above, footnote 71.

209  Martin Luther, Comment on the Magnificat, in Jaroslav Pelikan, ed., Luther's Works 21 (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1956), 299.

210  Origen, Homiliae in Lucam VIII, 2, PG 13, 1820.

211  Martin Luther, Comment on the Magnificat, Luther's Works 21, 307.

212  Paul VI, Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, 82, in AAS 68 (1976): 75; English translation: On Evangelization in the Modern World (Washington: United States Catholic Conference, 1976). Hereafter, Evangelii Nuntiandi.

213 John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, 86.

214  Ibid.

215  On 10 November 1992 John Paul II authorized the release ofthe final document of the IV Conference of CELAM held in Santo Domingo 12-28 October 1992.

216  See John Paul II, The Church in Africa: Post-Synodal Exhortation Ecclesia in Africa (Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa, 1995). With this text the Holy Father approved the results of the synod.

217   See above, footnote 69.

218  Vatican Council II, Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, Dei Verbum, 4.

219   Do Whatever He Tells You, 45.

220   See Aristide Serra, Maria secondo il Vangelo (Brescia: Queriniana, 1987), 70-82 and 128-131.

221   Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, Ang Mahal na Birhen: Mary in Philippine Life Today: a Pastoral Letter on the Blessed Virgin Mary (2 February 1975), in Marianum 38 (1976): 432.

222  IV Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, Nueva Evangelizacion, Promocion Humana y Cultura Cristiana. Documento de Trabajo, 457 (Bogota: CELAM, 1992).

223   Mary beside the Cross, 18.

224  Const. OSM, 87.

225   See G Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (London: Penguin, 1987),301

226  See above, footnote 76; and Paul VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, 82.

227   John Paul II, Address to the Latin American Bishops' Conference (9 May 1983),III, in Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, 6/1 (1983), 698.

228  John Paul II, Letter to Women (29June 1995), in AAS 87 (1995): 804 and in L'Osservatore Romano, 12 July 1995, weekly English edition, p. 1.

229  "Jesuits and the Situation of Women in Church and Civil Society," in Documents of the Thirty-Fourth General Congregation of the Society of Jesus (St. Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1995), 171-178; here, 171.

230  John Paul II, Letter to Women, 3.

231  John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem ... on the Dignity and Vocation of Women on the Occasion of the Marian Year ( 15 August 1988), in AAS 80 (1988): 1681. English translation of the Vatican Polyglot Press, 1988.

232  Ibid., 16. In note 38 the Holy Father gives two significant texts: one of Rabanus Maurus, De vita beatae Mariae Magdalenae, 27, PL 112, 1474; the other of St. Thomas Aquinas, In Ioannem Evangelistam Expositio, c. XX, L. III, 6.

233   John Paul II, Mulieris dignitatem, 16.

234  In AAS 58 (1966): 13-14.

235  John Paul II, Letter to Women, 6.

236  Ibid., 3.

237  See "Message to the Servite Family," in Profeti oggi a servizio della vita, acts of the international meeting of the Servite Family held at Madonna dell'Arco, Italy, 27 December 1988-4 January 1989 (Rome: General Curia OSM, 1989), 277.

238   See John Paul II, Mulieris dignitatem, 6 and 8.

239  Paul VI, Marialis cultus, 35.

240  See John Paul II, Mulieris dignitatem, 29.

241  John Paul II, Letter to the Bishops of the United States (3 April 1983) on the role of religious life today,in AAS 81 (1989): 1165.

242  John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, 13.

243   See above, note 229 for the important text on women issued by the 34th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus.

244   John Paul II, Talk at the General Audience of 29 November 1995, in L'Osservatore Romano, weekly English edition, 6 December 1995, p. 15.

245   See Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation, Libertatis conscientiae, 23, 71, 99 (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1986).

246   See above, paragraghs 83-94.

247   John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 18.

248   See John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Centesimus annus ... on the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum (1 May 1991), in AAS 83 (1991): 845; English translation of the Vatican Polyglot Press, 1991.

249   Ibid., 39, 4.

250   Sent to Serve, 61.

251   See Rule of St. Augustine, 31, in Const. OSM., p. 33.

252   Vatican Council II, Gaudium et Spes, 4.

253   See ibid., 11 and 44.

254   Liturgy of the Hours, Night Prayer, Antiphons in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Salve Regina.

255   See Const. OSM, 52.

256   Ibid., 319.

257  The trusting attitude of Mary in these two salvific episodes has had devotional consequences that are interesting and only apparently in contrast with one another. In the Spanish liturgy the ancient Marian memorial of 18 December, the Expecratio partus, is also known as the feast of "the Virgin of hope." In Seville the famous "Macarena," the Sorrowful Mother who awaits the resurrection of her Son, has as its proper title "the Virgin of hope."

258   We are happy to send fraternal greetings from the General Chapter to the community in Reggio Emilia, Italy, which is getting ready to celebrate the fourth centenary of the first miracle (29 April 1596) of the Virgin of the Ghiara portrayed in adoration of her newborn Son: "Quem genuit adoravit."

259   Roman Missal: The Sacramentary, January 1: Solemaity of Mary, Mother of God, Opening Prayer.

260   Liturgy of the Hours, September 8: Birth of Mary, Canticle of Zechariah, Antiphon.

261   Germanus of Constantinople, Homily I on the Dormition of the Mother of God, PG 98, 348.

262   Kontakion of Cosmas the Melodian, in Anthologion, 4 (Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1968), 1037.

263   John Paul II, Evangelium vitae, 101.

264   See U. Vanni, Apocalisse: una assemblea liturgica interpreta la storia (Brescia, Italy: Queriniana, 1994), 39.

265   Paul VI, Marialis cultus, 37.

266   On 8 December 1989, for the 13th World Day of Peace, John Paul II sent heads of state throughout the world the thought provoking message Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All of Creation, AAS 82 (1990) 147-156; and in L'Osservatore Romano, weekly edition in English, 18-26 December 1989, 1-3.

267   Ibid.

268   Ibid.

269   The Protoevangelium of James, 18, trans. M.B. Riddle, The Anti-Nicene Fathers 8, 365.

270   The liturgy proposes Proverbs 8:22-31 and Sirach 24:1-2.5-7.12-16.26-30 as readings for the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary. See The Lectionary for Mass, 707; Collection BVM, 2: Lectionary, 21, 24. 32, 36, 37.

271   Paul VI, Talk at the general audience, 24 March 1965, in Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, 3 (1965), 889.

272   Liturgia Horarum, August 22: Queenship of Mary, Office of Readings, Hymn. This hymn is not in the English edition of the liturgy of the hours.

273   "Gaudium mundi, nova stella caeli... virgo Maria," Liturgia Horarum, August 15: Assumption, Evening Prayer I, Hymn. The hymn is from St. Peter Damian (+ 1072).

274   "Per te, postquam Christus ex te nascitur, creatura omnis renovatur." This devotional text going back to the twelfh century is in G.G. Meersseman, Der Hymnos Akathistos in Abendland, II (Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1960) p. 186.

275   St. Anselm, Oratio ad sanctam Mariam pro impetrando eius et Christi amore, in Obras completas de san Anselmo, II (Madrid: La Editorial Catolica, 1953 [BAC 100]), 316.

276   Liturgy of the Hours, December 8: Immaculate Conception, Evening Prayer II, Antiphon 1: "You are all beautiful, O Mary...."

277   "Te laudat omnis creatura genitricem lucis." This text of popular devotion goes back to the twelfth century and is in G.G. Meersseman, Der Hymnos Akathistos in Abendland, 2 (Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1960), 191.

278   John Paul II, Address to international congress on the 16th centenary of the Council of Capua (24 May 1992), in AAS 85 (1993): 670.

279   See John Paul II, Inter Sanctos, AAS 71 (1979): 1509-1510.

280   John Paul II, Peace with God the Creator, Peace with All of Creation.

281   In the spiritual interpretation of the Legenda de origine Ordinis, Monte Senario is presented as a "new Eden," a place of unspoiled beauty. See A. Serra, "Il Senario, <Monte santo > dei Servi di Maria: Un suggestivo midrash della Legenda de Origine Ordinis Servorum (ca. 1308)," in A. Serra, Nato da donna..: Ricerche bibliche su Maria di Nazaret (1989-1992) (Milan-Rome: Cens-Marianum, 1992), 309-355.

282  Legenda, 41.

283  Francesco M. Poggi, Memorie della vita del Servo di Dio p. Giulio Arrighetti fiorentino... raccolte e descritte (nel 1713) da Francesco M. Poggi (Pistoia, Italy: Alberto Pacinotti, 1920), 62.

284   Regola del Padre Sant'Agostino e Costituzioni de' Romiti del Sacro Eremo di santa Maria de' Servi de Monte Senario, 40 (Florence: Stamperia di Bartolommeo Sermartelli, 1613), 121.

285   Among these is the hermitage of St. George in Lunigiana, in the construction of which the friars are "all busy as bricklayers and workers.... in an idyllic and Franciscan peace..., in a positive relationship with nature that surrounds them and that they've made their own." O. Jacques Dias, "L'amicizia tra due eremiti dei Servi in una lettera del 1632 sull'eremo di San Giorgio in Lunigiana," Studi Storici OSM 34 (1984), 221.

286   We wish to express here our solidarity with the Servite friars working in the Amazon who have received repeated death threats because of their defense of the natives and their opposition to the destruction of the forest. See General Chapter 1995, Message to the Servite Family.

287   John Paul II, Peace with God the Creator, Peoce with All of Creation.

288   Ibid.

289   Const. OSM, 319.

290   Liturgy OSM, Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, IV: Mary, the New Woman; Morning Prayer, Intercessions, 522.

291   Ibid., Prayer, 523.

292   Liturgia delle Ore OSM, Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday III, "Holy Mary the New Woman," Hymn at Morning Prayer (Rome: Commissione Liturgica Italiana, 1978),622. This hymn is not in the English edition of the Liturgy of the hours.

293   Liturgy OSM, Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, IV: Mary, the New Woman, Morning Prayer, Canticle of Zechariah, Antiphon, 521.

294   Giovanni Vannucci, "I Servi e la Vergine Madre," in Servitium 17 (1983): 94.

295   Vatican Council II, Sacrosanctum concilium, 103.

296   See A. Serra, Contributi dell'antica letteratura giudaica per l'esegesi di Giovanni 2, 1-12 e 19, 25-27 (Rome: Herder, 1977), 303-429 (= chapter 5: Il raduno dei dispersi figli di Dio (Gv 11, 52) e la maternità spirituale di Maria (Gv 19, 25-27)). See also Mary beside the Cross, 16-18. 176

297   Anatolian stich from Christmas Vespers, in E. Mercenter, La priére des églises de rite byzantin, 2/1 (Chevetogne, Belgium: Chevetogne Editions, 1953), 201.

298   P. Nellas, "Madre di Dio, dimora del Verbo, " in P. Nellas and V. Lossky, eds., La Madre di Dio (Bose, Italy: Edizioni Qiqajon, 1994), 8.

299   Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae III, q. 30, a. 1, trans. T.R. Heath, 71.

300  A. Muller, "Marias Stellung und Mitwerkung im Christusereignis," in Mysterium Salutis, 3/2 (Einsiedeln: Benziger, 1969), 445.

301   See above, footnote 62.

302   Martin Luther, Comment on the Magnificat, in Luther's Works 21,306.

303   See the article on prayer, La preghiera 'anima' della giornata, in L'Osservatore Romano, 26 October 1986, 5.

304   Legenda, 11.

305   John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Orientale Lumen ... to Mark the Centenary of Orientalium Dignitas of Pope Leo XIII, 25, in AAS 87 (1995): 771. English translation: Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1995.

306   "Now to that face which most resembles Christ...," Dante Alighieri, Paradise, XXXII, v. 85-86, trans. D.L. Sayers and B. Reynolds (London: Penguin Books, 1962).